Northern Ringgebiet Braunschweig
A city quarter in transition
The city quarter south of Siegfriedviertel around Spargelstraße (Asparagus Street) fascinates me since I moved to the northern part of Braunschweig more than 10 years ago: Allotment gardening, scrap yards, wasteland, graffiti, railway relicts - all this only two kilometer away from the city center. In 2013, the city started a huge residential project, working title "Northern Ringgebiet", to build appartment blocks with up to 1000 flats in this area.
I accompany this transition since 2015 with my camera to keep records of the charm of the old status on the one hand, and to explore the tensions and breaks of the transition process on the other hand.
Four pictures of this series contributed to the group exhibition DAS REGIONALE GEDÄCHTNIS TEIL 2 of the Museum for Photography, Braunschweig (13.12.2015 bis 17.1.2016).